Colegio Altair

Colegio Altair
  1. Inclusion / differentiated instruction: In 1995, Altair school was founded as an educational proposal that could respond to the individual characteristics of each student, breaking with the tendency that students are the ones who have to adapt to the educational environment. From the beginning, Altair has developed an inclusive pedagogical proposal, which is articulated by integrating the work of teachers with the support of the psycho pedagogical department and constant monitoring with parents and external specialists. Currently, we no longer speak of inclusion, but focus on attention to diversity because we recognise each student as unique, both in their strengths and in their areas of improvement. From this perspective, a methodological approach is proposed that seeks to respond to the needs and interests of each student
  2. Appraisal system: Colegio Altair has a very comprehensive appraisal system. The objective of the whole process is to know what the school expectations are and to set professional goals and strategies to achieve them in the short and medium term. It is a 360º process which includes expectations described in observable behaviours to comply. The rubric where these expectations are clearly stated is divided into four different levels of achievement. It also has three different criteria that need to be considered: planning and methodology, class environment, and, personal and professional development. The information is gathered using a variety of tools: class observation reports from psychologists, administrators, Heads of department, and student surveys (Secondary School). It is also considered, for the teachers, a form of self-evaluation. At the end of the year, it provides a good chance to talk and plan ahead for new and better results of their performance.
  1. Staff development: We would like to know about an efficient system for professional development for teachers and other staff that includes participation in workshops (in-house and external financial help), teacher exchanges, opportunities for teachers' participation abroad, etc.
  2. Concept/inquiry/project-based learning: We are interested in learning from schools that have experience in implementing and developing a consistent methodology including all or some of these educational approaches with Primary and Secondary students, with a special interest focused on how to develop effective planning that facilitates this, considering student voice and choice
  3. Inclusion / differentiation: We would be interested in learning and sharing with schools that have experience with students with different needs, to focus on how they organise teachers, parents and external specialist participation, effective assessment systems and reports, and any other experience that promotes teaching considering each student as an individual with different needs and strengths
  1. Innovative schools for a join project: We are looking for schools that are interested in sharing innovative educational practices through a conference/ workshops/ breakout sessions in Lima for the whole community. 2020 is our 25th anniversary and we want to celebrate it by putting on an international educational event with other innovative LAHC schools