New LAHC executive committee begins full swing

Congratulations to Ruth Percival (image no.1), Head of San Silvestre School, who has been elected as the new Chair and carries on as the Hub A rep (Lima).
Robert Tomalin (image no.2), Head of Colegio Gran Bretana, carries on as Secretary and the Hub B rep (Bogota) and Maximo Cirio (image no.3), Head of St. Clare’s College, remains as Hub C rep (Buenos Aires).
Meanwhile, Patrick Lyons of Craighouse School joins as Treasurer and the Hub D rep (Santiago), Laura Bayer (image no.4), Head of St. Nicholas School Alphaville, takes on the role of Hub E rep (São Paulo) and Jonty Hiley, Head of Victoria School, joins as the Hub F rep (Mexico City).
The new committee has already had its first meeting, albeit virtually, and we look forward to an exciting 12 months ahead. During this period, the organisation will continue to professionalise, develop services for our members and ensure that we provide every opportunity for our member schools to share expertise for school improvement, both online and within the school environment.
Finally, we would like to thank our outgoing members for all their hard work and commitment: Louise Simpson, former Head of St. Paul’s (image no.5), as former Chair and Hub E rep, David Massiah (image no.6), former Head of Redland School, as the previous Secretary and Hub D rep and Tom Gething, former Head of Lancaster School, as the former Hub F region. We wish them all the best as they take up new roles outside the region. We would also like to acknowledge Yasir Patel (image no.7), former Head of The British Schools, Caracas, who is also leaving the region, for all his time and dedication on previous committees.
Happy holidays!