LAHC 2022 Educating for Humanity

LAHC proudly announces the overwhelming success of its first face-to-face annual conference since 2019. After three years of heads and other senior school leaders meeting virtually, delegates were finally able to meet in person to discuss relevant issues, connect and even meet students.
Almost 60 heads and senior leaders, 18 exhibitors from 14 companies and 2 guests (from the International Baccalaureate, IB, and the Council of British International Schools, COBIS) joined us in Punta del Este, Uruguay in mid-October 2022 to hear and share the latest on key themes related to Educating for Humanity:
- Transforming pedagogy with live Zoom keynote by Yong Zhao of University of Kansas and Melbourne Graduate School of Education; subsequent discussion forums and workshops led by Nick Thody, head of St. Nicholas School, Pinheiros (Brazil)
- Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with live Zoom keynote by Sam Price, headmistress of Benenden School (UK); subsequent discussion forums and workshops led by Claire Harvey and Helen Semple of the Schools Inclusion Alliance
- Sustainability with live Zoom keynote by Joaquín Leguía of Association for Children and their Environment (ANIA); subsequent discussion forums and workshops led by Briana Castilla (student), Harry Hildebrand, Daniel Kasnick and Jen Wood (all from Lima).
For the first time, we included sharing sessions where schools presented on and gave invaluable experience on relevant projects occurring in their schools. The final day took place at St. Clare’s College, where delegates met and interacted with students, including a diversity walk to reflect on the ‘habits’ we live by in schools.
We are already planning for 2023 and look forward to outlining our theme for #LAHC2023 soon!