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LAHC Heads conversation 2nd April 2020
Added Apr 02, 2020
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Smiley in and who gets it but so far weirdly they the financing hasn't bloomed as large as I thought it would you know we're not getting people beating down the door saying I prefer to just listening to what you're saying other countries that don't beat down the door yet saying you know how dare you charge action of slasher or slashing your prices so we don't office you want to make anyone redundant I'm going to look after you know what drivers are in everything a cafeteria is it is a voluntary one. People don't buy a meal plan yeah I mean yes funny thing in Mexico if I'm correct in this is always the summer is not an official holiday it's a furlough for teachers science that deals Artis could ask teachers to stay longer in July but my feeling is arrested in Mexico said they were going to be closed until the 20th of April now that's been expense 13th when I look at the dates on the financial the most interesting I'm pretty come from the Mexico is not going to hit you until at least the middle of May and extends into light crash into the night it's not going to happen so I'm assuming that at some point they'll make some provision like Louise was saying in Brazil I remember the system in Brazil and it's pretty much the same in Mexico although it don't count I was X the number of days and let you divide it number of days you're doing so many years we were more hours in preschool with a legally required when we changed our preschool to show them the day it didn't help us we still have to add more hours to the day bierocracy Aeromexico regarding finances where is 0 what's the price on a 00 some school NetZero budget accept so significant example of Transport is pays for itself and the same with our extracurriculars. Rex team plays at the school something like what you seen the employees salaries that is actually catching a part of a staff one group in a staff that when it starts to get ugly because of everybody's looking each of the Stang who's next so we communicating today and elements involved in designing this that we're not changing anything other thing is I totally agree with what line kit reductions I think I think middle point of this when I refused please right now who need help August when the recovery kicks in families that are not going to recover and so if we give everything away now one we're not able to sustain those families in the future scholarships already on 5.5% of our income so anything on top of that has to be very carefully managed Services reset Perrysburg straight sir myself twin going to meet every single family in need have a conversation with them and try and manage the funds that we have now the irony is that our parents can withdraw from extracurriculars for the trans Route 60 days notice that starting to do that so we're going to have to take on those cost that we can't save much on Services because we've gone 95% electricity and we're not able to manage the budget in the sense of having more space most of the stuff we bought before and I think I rode the Seas impact is quite will be interesting in managing as best we can. That doesn't mean we can distribute it straight away so we can have some money communication with parents lunch when the message goes out today that will be a few parents who will be like this is inadequate somebody else is giving 20% discount and we'll just have to ride that communication studies sorry Joan actually I was just cut my hair. was asking about east of the bureaucratic rules of numbers of days and whatever and he has a system where you're told how many teaching. number one or number week so we have to have a week in the year but I agree that it's quite likely is it this year to be taking that too seriously I really hope so and you can be flexible enough can I watch everything was okay and maybe we should worry bit more about the cology okay just forget it April's machinations on playing play the schools like ours to put in place the you know for children who are in a pasta you will have to say is that it is left it's absolutely to ensure that kids have have something rather than nothing absolutely thoughts and meaner that was decades ago and they're all still kids that need you know that the Brazilian project regardless beans with your circumstances I mean I have to know in the case of Mexico which also has a requirement is 200 days and 4 hours a day minimum that was a result of the free trade agreement with the United States Canada and a lot of these requirements actually the result of multinational agreement in which the politicians want to make sure everybody's doing the same and so that's the only way they can do it but anyway just moved in on Jenny Tracy and Ian and Max haven't really had a child say anything yet so I don't know if it's anything you want Moscow contribute is no application yeah Tracy you get an update last night they helpful dismiss to know the rest of it at the same time in the same decree it still says the private schools in Brasilia will be contacted by the Ministry of Education it was a vote and a specific Fitness Bennett folks that Steamboat unanimous that they would be trying to enforce a discount on private school and received the second step is that they go significant okay nobody has mentioned yet any impact of exchange rate and they just seem to be getting worse and worse and worse by the day I think the only country that hasn't been affected his Argentina probably because it was already so bad that it couldn't country so I think that represented here has decided by at least 20 probably 25 to spend people just ignoring that for the time being because it's it's you-know-who far away to think about something is going to have a big impact to Army will be with teachers to comparison and come in and tell me what the game so you know what about to start Duncan yeah we have a starting allowance for being paid more in Sterling than they would be normally that is costing us more but it means that a portion of their salary is protected on the grounds that was company in Brazil is paid in real life so we pay our stereo we all paid by opposite customer in real exchange rate but it is today so we pay our feet just a salary that is in real because otherwise you know we can sustain. It's just a question of these here there wasn't moved to have something a open a chamber of deputies asking the minister of Education to use is some good offices to to private schools in Austin to be considered the official line be the Consumer Protection Agency is it contracted are to be respected what the government did hear was it decided to bring the July holiday switch are all summer holidays into the last two weeks of April which to us was just completely Luna because we had made the Statue Gephart to get mess up and running Amazon the school they're working on line three weeks after we're in two classes were going to be asked to go on holiday at the moment the private schools are doing is trying to this way the government that we would like to have a normal calendar respected and my we have the backing of the parents of the backing staff as well so with any luck that should be okay the other issue the back button irritates me I'm afraid it's not right supposed to be on holiday when they come on holiday I think for today actually tried I couldn't see any sense to what they were doing except as a message to teachers in the public sector dream of being on holidays in July these schools are going to be getting back into having done very little or nothing and they decided that somehow it might make sense in along those lines that makes absolutely no sense. I don't know if anybody has the same situation but I didn't even know about the loss of students a few years ago we are recovering slowly reduce increase about 30% for the of regardless of the quality of the process of each school 10711 school makes this huge this consequence put pressure on everybody else question is if anybody have experience I would love to maybe in another in a private financing all these banks on the other time so we're trying to structure because we have white 3X Crazy Albury Pansino trying to finance specialist executed loan so if any of you have any on that I would love to have a child has a mother Point regarding. I think it was looking outside Country Sweet I have a minute 40 minutes on my knee things because I haven't paid the premium session and that's about to run out by Janet it's just come in high biking stopped another one or if you think this has been useful a meeting to another one that's next week we can do that as well have to carry on Alan just one person but one point on a Cummins if you if for the keishin Tsum has made an exception free upgrade Sprite okay I'll do that I feel a bit guilty Batman can genitive only just come in but I know the rest of you were probably very busy and I've already spent 40 minutes a hour should we leave it here and make the switch sing that he could make him host how do I do that yeah Nick Saudi just click on Nick then do I Lake Jeanette I'm not as good with the I should be question in your communities are you aware of people in your communities to have the virus I think one of us sites without one parent we had a guy who was diagnosed about well at the beginning of all of this I guess weeks ago she had a case we have a teacher who has just recovered off the quiet quiet, and I'm Pleasant play for about 7 or 8 days set from the go he was a cheetah Nick is now the host so Soul over to Nick now I'm bowing out be quiet
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