Thursday 19th October - Building inclusive communities

True diversity through authenticity
  1. Change Maker:

    • The term "change maker" often floats around in corporate circles, sometimes without depth. The speaker seeks to redefine and ground this term in actionable and meaningful practices.
    • They are part of a specialized trio that collaborates with businesses, focusing on 'cultural intelligence'. Their work involves in-depth sessions with corporations, aiming to foster environments where employees can be their authentic selves. They emphasize the importance of authenticity from the leadership level down to the grassroots, ensuring that everyone feels valued and genuine in their roles.
  2. Life's Mission:

    • For the speaker, life is not just about living but about challenging and redefining norms. They see themselves as a problem-solver and a disruptor of the status quo.
    • Their extensive travels to 131 cities worldwide have enriched their perspective. These journeys provided them not just with sightseeing experiences but with deep cultural insights, allowing them to understand diverse societal structures, values, and dynamics.
  3. Experiences as a Traveler:

    • The speaker's identity as a black traveler offers a unique lens through which they view the world. Their travels in South American countries have provided them with an understanding of post-colonial identities.
    • These journeys have shed light on the remnants of colonial power dynamics, the evolution of identity in these nations, and the struggles and triumphs of the people they've met.
  4. Career Highlights:

    • The media world is vast, and the speaker's journey within it is marked by significant milestones. They take pride in their role as the first black man to host a BBC children's show, a testament to breaking barriers.
    • Their adaptability is evident as they recount their transition from entertainment television to journalism, showcasing their passion for diverse media forms and their commitment to authentic storytelling.
  5. Diversity in Corporations:

    • The corporate approach to diversity is critically examined. The speaker raises concerns about superficial diversity initiatives that lack depth and authenticity.
    • Drawing from personal experiences, especially their time at the BBC, the speaker highlights the pitfalls of diversity schemes that are not deeply rooted in authenticity. They emphasize the need for genuine change agents within corporations to drive meaningful transformation.
  6. Reflection during COVID-19:

    • The pandemic, with its global disruptions, provided a backdrop for deep introspection. The speaker delves into its impact on the media industry, noting the changes in broadcasting dynamics.
    • This period prompted the speaker to reevaluate their career, identity, and personal beliefs. They reflect on the essence of authenticity in a world undergoing rapid change and the importance of staying true to oneself amidst external upheavals.
  7. Authenticity:

    • Authenticity is explored in depth. It's not just about being genuine but involves a continuous journey of self-discovery, growth, and alignment with one's core beliefs.
    • The complexities of achieving and maintaining authenticity are acknowledged. The speaker emphasizes that it's a process that requires pushing boundaries, challenging personal beliefs, and staying true to oneself amidst external pressures.
  8. Personal Anecdote:

    • A personal story serves as a microcosm of the broader theme of authenticity. The speaker's conversation with their girlfriend underscores the challenges and nuances of being authentic in personal relationships and professional arenas.
    • This story serves as a reflection on the continuous quest for authenticity, emphasizing that the journey is ongoing, filled with challenges, introspection, and growth.
  9. The Role of Education:

    • The transformative power of education is championed. The speaker envisions an education system that is inclusive, challenging, and reflective of diverse identities.
    • They stress the need for education to be a mirror where students see their identities reflected, feel acknowledged, and are encouraged to challenge and redefine societal norms.
  10. Conclusion:

  • The keynote culminates with a passionate call to action. The speaker urges the audience to champion authenticity in every facet of their lives, envisioning a world where individuality is celebrated and everyone feels acknowledged.
  • This vision is not just aspirational but presented as achievable, with the collective efforts of individuals committed to creating a world where everyone feels seen, valued, and empowered.
Leadership for equity

Identity and Belonging

The keynote provides a comprehensive look at the role of identity in modern environments, particularly within educational settings. It delves into the challenges that arise when one's identity isn't universally accepted or understood. A cornerstone of the discussion is the idea of 'mattering' — a concept that revolves around individuals feeling valued and acknowledged for who they are. The narrative underscores the importance of creating spaces where students and individuals do not feel pressured to alter or suppress their identities to fit in. The envisioned ideal environment is one where every individual, irrespective of their background, can engage, lead, and learn without reservations or feelings of inadequacy.

Design of Schooling Communities

The text critically examines the structural aspects of educational environments. It probes into how these environments are designed and questions whom they primarily serve. Posing questions about representation and inclusivity, it challenges readers to reflect on whether current educational infrastructures truly serve everyone or if they are biased towards specific groups. The narrative is a clarion call for equity, urging institutions to ensure that no identity feels marginalized or left out. The emphasis is not just on token representation but on genuine inclusivity, where all identities can contribute without feeling compromised.

Self-awareness and Collective Growth

The transformative power of introspection is central in this section, especially within the educational sector. The keynote suggests that a thorough introspective process is essential to weed out any ingrained biases before championing any initiatives. All initiatives should undergo scrutiny through an anti-racist and culturally responsive lens. The text promotes the idea of collective enlightenment, suggesting that learning and growth are most effective when done collectively, be it through group activities, book clubs, or online discussions. The emphasis is on active learning, focusing on translating information into actionable changes that benefit the community.

Engaging with Students

The intricate bond between educators and students is given spotlight here. The discussion prompts educators to reflect on their teaching methodologies and interactions. Are they reinforcing positive affirmations in their students? Are they fostering an environment where students feel valued and understood? The narrative emphasizes the importance of understanding students beyond the classroom, diving deep into their backgrounds, stories, and lived experiences. It highlights potential pitfalls of making overarching assumptions and underscores the importance of continuous feedback. By doing so, educators can better tailor their resources and support mechanisms to resonate with students.


The keynote winds down by reiterating the significance of the topics discussed. It emphasizes the continuous journey towards creating more inclusive and equitable environments. This journey requires dedication and efforts from all stakeholders. A spirit of collaboration, open dialogue, and adaptability are portrayed as essential ingredients in this endeavor. The reader is left with a sense of responsibility, urged to take proactive steps in fostering inclusive environments.

Location: Paracas 1
1. Joel Jr. Llaban (virtual) - Leading culturally responsive and sustaining learning

2. Ayo Akinwolere - Finding your voice

3. Schools Inclusion Alliance (SIA, Claire Harvey) - Managing polarised opinions around gender identity and sexual orientation (and other things)

4. Erika Jaymez (in Spanish), Atención a la diversidad en el marco del diseño universal para el aprendizaje

5. Maria Alejandra Meza Cuba and Elaine Sandoval Carrasco (Fleming College students) - Starting the conversation about inequality
1. Joel Jr. Llaban (virtual) - Engaging our communities in DEIJ
2. Fabiola Betancourt - Universal learning design workshop roadmap (in Spanish)
Link to the presentation and resources:
3. SIA (Helen Semple), Building the fundamentals: Psychological safety
4. Gina Graham - Cómo fortalecer la alianza escuela-familia (in Spanish)
5. Melissa Beeko - Journeying into diversity: Exploring a school-wide approach to racial diversity CPD